Jan 12, 2023Liked by Heather Caplan

Hey - just here to say I love this venting post. I have three littles - twin 3 year old boys and a 1 year old girl. I feel everything in this post immensely. I also have help and work full time. It’s so HARD. And it’s hard to find safe spaces to say these things without having to add, of course I love my kids, but this is really HARD. I’m so tired of being touched all day, for having to carry the baby around so she doesn’t eat dog food or get smacked by a toddler. Of boy really being able to anything because of two nap schedules that I don’t want to give up. Of being SO TIRED! Anyway, I needed to hear from someone else in this life stage and this helped me today.

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the nap schedules!! WHEW I can hardly wait for the day when all of our plans aren't made around a 2-3 hour window when they MIGHT sleep. <3 Sending love.

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Heather Caplan

This matches how I’m feeling so much, the 5am wake ups!

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I tell myself SOME DAY I'll have to wake them up at like 11 AM on a weekend haha. Right? Maybe....

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Apr 28, 2023Liked by Heather Caplan

even 7am would be heaven right now!

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Hey Heather! I've been loving the new season of your podcast and just listened to this intro and needed to tell you how much I loved it. I have two little ones right now too, and it was so relatable. I laughed out loud at this line "Oh and YES I SURE DID pour two smoothies into two toddler cups with screw-on-tops and straws and used the damp bloody washcloth to clean up little smoothie spills for the next 12 minutes." This sentence alone is such an accurate depiction of the chaos of motherhood!

I recently wrote a similar essay that I'm going to publish on my newsletter on Thursday, I will post it here once it's out in case you want to check it out. I am feeling inspired by your recording to record mine in my own voice too.

Oh and by the way, I am coming to the WIND conference next month in Austin, can't wait to meet you in person! :)

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It feels really hard to accurately depict the chaos of parenting, haha! <3 So excited to meet you IRL, too!

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